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  • Business hours
    Sat 8:30 AM - 3 PM
  • Location
    126 Rathburn Rd, Etobicoke, ON


Happy Teachers’ Day!

PYAT Administration sincerely congratulates all our teachers on the professional holiday! We wish you good health, patience, strength, happiness, and creativity. Let your children and your work give you pleasure. We thank you for your care and professionalism, for your wisdom and zeal, and most importantly – for the fact that you are taking on […]

How do I Pay?

Thank you for registering! We are wrapping up the summer prep and looking forward to a fabulous year! When you registered, you should have received a pop-up with instructions for payment. Just in case you did not see that pop-up, all school fees can be paid via e-transfer to registration@pyat.ca See you soon! 

What is Student Centric Learning?

We at PYAT are making a big fuss over  “Student Centric Learning” and many parents may be wondering why.  “Why should my child learn any differently than I did? What is this new thing they made up now?” Student Centric Learning may sound new to many, but it definitely is not a new concept. The […]